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I watched as she went around to her desk and wrote some things in her grade book. "Did you drive here?" "Yeah," I said. "My husband is at work until 10 tonight. Would you come back to my place with me and have sex where he and I sleep, so I can have nice dreams when I go to bed from now on?" she asked sincerely. I thought that it was risky, but I said, "Ok, lets go make some good dreams for you." With that we got into her car and left the school, driving to her house. We rode together to her house, both of us with a smile on our faces. The ride wasn't too long. As we made our way to her place we talked a bit. "Rosa how long have you had your piercings?" I asked. "I got them back when I was in college, not much older than you. It was a Spring Break/got too drunk for my own good thing. You like them?" she asked. "Hell yeah! I think they are so hot!" I said immediately. "Thank you. I know some of the parents and other teachers would frown on it if they found out so let's just keep that. The guy was about 6 feet tall with jet black hair and had a nice tan over what was probably originally very light skin. He was well proportioned and had on about the briefest bikini swimsuit that you could get away with in Arkansas. I was sure Linda was admiring his taut butt – she tells me that is one thing women really like in men.The woman was clearly of Mexican-American heritage. Her skin was naturally very dark, her hair and eyes were both deep brown, and her body was beautiful to behold. And was it on display – her bikini was as brief as her friend’s. She had breasts to die for, a stomach so flat you could have played pool on it and an ass that begged to be caressed.I thought at first they were going to walk past us to another table, but they stopped and the guy started a conversation. He said that he (Sean) and his girlfriend (Felicia) liked to meet people and just talk when they were traveling, and did we mind if they joined us for awhile. Linda and I both said sure, but.
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